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发布时间:2021-05-07 09:01编辑:融跃教育FRM


In regard to Basel II minimum capital requirements, which of the following is false?》》》点击领取2021年FRM备考资料大礼包(戳我免费领取)

A) Banks can reduce their capital charge, subject to a limit, if they can demonstrate diversification benefit due to imperfect correlation between the major risk buckets: credit, operational and market risk.

B) Pillar Two explicitly encourages national authorities (supervisors) to supplement Pillar One with additional capital requirements at their discretion if they deem appropriate

C) Under the advanced/internal approaches, all three risk categories (credit, market, and operational risk) employ value at risk (VaR) concepts

D) Basel II had no explicit charge for liquidity risk


解析: False: The capital charges are added (CRC + MRC + ORC); Basel II gives no recognition for potential diversification benefits at this level of analysis.

In regard to (b), (c) and (d), each are true. In regard to (b), please note the “mutually reinforcing” aspect of the framework; and that Pillar One implies only minimum capital requirements.


关键词 : FRM真题

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