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FRM一级考试Residential Mortgage的相关内容有哪些?

发布时间:2021-06-01 10:11编辑:融跃教育FRM

Residential Mortgage是FRM一级考试中的内容,备考中的考生一定要了解相关的内容,这样对于备考是有很大的帮助的。下文是小编列举的详细内容,希望对你有所帮助!

Lien Status:

A first lien would give the lender the first right to receive proceeds on liquidation

Credit Classification:》》》戳:免费领取FRM各科视频讲义+历年真题+21年原版书(PDF版)

Prime (A-grade) loans;

Subprime (B-grade) loans;

Alternative-A loans: are the loans in between prime and subprime.

Interest Rate Type:

Fixed-rate mortgages;

Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMS): default risk is high;


Prepayments reduce the mortgage balance and amortization period. They can occur because of the following reasons:

Home is sold

Refinancing due to lower rates

Partial prepayments

Credit Guarantees:

With agency MBSs, the investor bears no credit risk because the GSEs have been paid a fee to

guarantee the underlying mortgages.【资料下载】[融跃财经]FRM一级ya题-pdf版

With a non-agency MBS, there is some credit risk but that is mitigated through the process of subordination.

Fixed-Rated,Level-Payment Mortgages:

The amount of the principal payment increases as time passes.

The amount of interest decreases as time passes. Interest is calculated on a declining principal balance.

The ability of the borrower to repay results in prepayment risk.


关键词 : FRM一级考试





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