发布时间:2022-03-14 09:36编辑:融跃教育FRM
Which of the following statements is not accurate in regard to describing a good rating system?
A) Averifiable rating system requires backtesting default probabilities on a continuous basis.
B) An objective rating system results in ratings that can be compared across customer types and market segments.
C) Aspecific rating system accurately measures the distance from a default event.
D) Ahomogeneous rating system provides judgments required comparable ratings among customer types, market segments, and portfolios.
解析:An objective rating system produces judgments based on considerations tied co credit risk.
The spread on a one-year BBB rated bond relative to the risk-free treasury of similar maturity is 2%. It is estimated that the contribution to this spread by all non-credit factors (e.g., liquidity risk, taxes) is 0.8%.Assuming the loss given default rate for the underlying credit is 60%, what is approximately the implied default probability for this bond?
A) 3.33%
B) 5.00%
C) 3.00%
D) 2.00%
解析:The probability of default equals the credit risk spread divided by the loss given default. PD = spread/LGD. Here, the spread due to credit risk equals 2.0% - 0.8% or 1.2% and the loss given default is 60%. The probability of default is then 2%.
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