发布时间:2022-04-27 09:36编辑:融跃教育FRM
Which of the following statements regarding the International Swaps and DerivativesAssociation (ISDA) Master Agreement is false?
A) The ISDAMasterAgreement is a contract between two parties that governs derivative transactions and credit controls.
B) An ISDAMasterAgreement is prepared for every derivatives transaction that occurs between two parties.
C) The ISDAMasterAgreement forms a single contract under which multiple derivative contracts can be managed.
D) The ISDAMasterAgreement specifies termination events that each pair of counterparties must accept.
解析:An agreement is not prepared for every transactions, rather the ISDAMaster Agreement forms a single contract under which multiple derivative contracts can be managed.
Assume a sovereign bond has a haircut of 5% and is used for a collateral call of $100,000. What amount is credited if a $100,000 bond is submitted, and what amount of bond is needed for $100,000 to be credited, respectively?
A) $100,000; $106,263
B) $95,000; $100,000
C) $95,000; $105,263
D) $105,263; $95,000
解析:Ahaircut is essentially a discount to the value of posted collateral. In other words, a haircut of x% means that for every unit of collateral posted, only (1–x)% of credit will be given. This credit is also referred to as valuation percentage. If a particular sovereign bond has a haircut of 5% and a collateral call of $100,000 is made, only 95% of the collateral’s value is credited for collateral purposes. That is, in order to satisfy a $100,000 collateral call, $105,263 ($100,000/0.95) of the sovereign bond must be posted.
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