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发布时间:2020-08-28 09:27编辑:融跃教育FRM


其中债券估值方法与债券风险是FRM一级考试复习的重难点。并且在“Risk Model”风险建模中市场风险的计量与管理不会在二级展开重复介绍,因此我们在一级阶段就必须完全掌握:“Var”的概念、优缺点、计算方法,以及Var的补充方法——压力测试。




Consider two portfolios. One with USD 100 million credit exposure to a single B-rated counterparty. The second with Euro 100 million on credit exposure split evenly between 50 B-rated counterparties. Assume that default probabilities and recovery rates are the same for all B-rated counterparties. Which of the following statements is not wrong?

A. The expected loss of the first portfolio is greater than the expected loss of the second portfolio and the unexpected loss of the first portfolio is greater than the unexpected loss of the second portfolio.

B. The expected loss of the first portfolio is greater than the expected loss of the second portfolio and the unexpected loss of the first portfolio is equal to the unexpected loss of the second portfolio.

C. The expected loss of the first portfolio is equal to the expected loss of the second portfolio and the unexpected loss of the first portfolio is equal to the unexpected loss of the second portfolio.

D. The expected loss of the first portfolio is equal to the expected loss of the second portfolio and the unexpected loss of the first portfolio is greater than the unexpected loss of the second portfolio.

Answer: D

Unexpected loss is the volatility of the expected loss. Therefore, there is diversified effect.







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