*Terms commonly used in the Mainland
*内地用语 版本日期:2019年12月
可使用Ctrl + F 键查找
*内地用语 版本日期:2019年12月
可使用Ctrl + F 键查找
转按 | re-pledging |
转拨 | transfer |
转仓;展期 | roll-over |
转配股【内地】 | individually held state and legal-person share; transfer right share【Mainland】 |
转让 | assignment; transfer |
转让差价所得税* | capital gains tax (CGT) |
转让人 | assignor; transferor |
转融通* | refinance / refinancing |
转手率/流转率/交易流通速度/流通比率/周转率/换手率* | turnover rate; velocity |
转手纸 | transfer deed; transfer form |
转托管* | designation transfer |
转移【期权】 | give-up【options】 |
庄家 | market maker |
庄家活动 | market making |
庄家之经销交易 | jobbing transaction |
装置机柜 | equipment rack |
追补按金;追加保证金通知* | margin call |
准备【会计】 | provision【accounting】 |
卓越证券数据【数据传送专线】 | Securities Premium【datafeed】 |
酌情权 | discretionary power |
酌情支付的花红 | discretionary bonus payment |
资本充裕程度 | capital adequacy |
资本充裕/充足比率 | capital adequacy ratio |
资本重整 | recapitalisation |
资本筹集 | capital formation |
资本储备 | capital reserve |
资本额厘定的持仓限额 | capital-based position limit (CBPL) |
资本负债比率 | gearing ratio |
资本化 | capitalisation |
资本化发行 | capitalisation issue |
资本亏损 | capital loss |
资本市场 | capital market |
资本调整 | capital adjustment |
资本项目* | capital account |
资本增益 | capital gain |
资本增益/增值税 | capital gains tax (CGT) |
资本利得税* | capital gains tax (CGT) |
资本增值 | capital appreciation; capital gain |
资本增值权证 | capital plus warrant |
资本账 | capital account |
资本支出 | capital expenditure |
资本值 | capital value |
资不抵债 | insolvency |
资产 | asset |
资产保证 | asset coverage |
资产拆卖 | asset stripping |
资产担保证券* ;资产抵押证券;资产支持证券* | asset-backed securities (ABS) |
资产调换 | asset swap |
资产调配/调度 | asset allocation |
资产覆盖率 | asset coverage |
资产负债表 | balance sheet |
资产负债表外金融工具 | off-balance sheet (financial) instrument |
资产负债表以外之承担/项目 | off-balance sheet exposure |
资产净值 | net asset value |
资方信托人 | employer trustee |
资格股 | qualification share |
资金表 | fund statement |
资金股本化 | capitalisation issue |
资金会计法 | fund accounting approach |
资金流向 | fund flow |
资金平衡 | fund balancing |
资金运用 | fund utilisation |
资料备忘录 | information memorandum |
资料集 | information pack |
资料披露 | disclosure |
资料印证工作函 | Comfort Letter |
资讯档案 | news file |
资讯发布/发放 | information dissemination; news dissemination |
资讯服务 | information service |
资讯供货商;信息供应商*;信息商* | information vendor |
资讯披露公告板 | Bulletin Board for Information Disclosure |
孳息 | yield |
咨询委员会【证监会】 | Advisory Committee【SFC】 |
咨询小组遴选委员会 | Panel Member Selection Committee (PMSC) |
仔细审查/审核 | due diligence |
自订条款指数期权 | Flexible Index Options |
自动化交易服务 | automated trading services (ATS) |
自动化交易服务提供者 | ATS provider |
自动配对股份 | automatched stock |
自动行使【期权】 | automatic exercise【options】 |
自动荧幕交易系统 | automated screen trading system (AST system) |
自动暂缓交易机制 | circuit breaker |
自发性收购 | management buy-out (MBO) |
自律监管机构 | self-regulatory organisation; self-regulating organisation |
自行结算 | self-clearing |
自行结算参与者 | Self Clearing Participant (SCP) |
自选组合功能 | Tailor-Made Combination (TMC) |
自选组合买卖盘 | tailor-made combo order |
自营交易簿 | proprietary trading book |
自营结算 | self-clearing |
自营买卖 | proprietary trading |
自营商* | dealer |
自由兑换 | free convertibility |
自由增购率 | “trading only” stocks |
自置光纤线路 | private fibre optical circuit |
自主评级【银行】 | Individual rating【banking】 |
综合表 | composite table |
综合财务报表 | consolidated financial statement |
综合分户口 | omnibus client sub-account |
综合风险 | composite risk |
综合复制策略;合成模拟策略 | synthetic replication strategy |
综合户口 | omnibus account / omnibus client account |
综合买卖 | composite trades |
综合盘/组合盘 | combination order; combo order; composite order |
总按金价值 | total margin value |
总持仓限额 | gross limit |
总额按金计算 | gross margining |
总额度余额 | aggregate quota balance |
总市值 | total market capitalisation; aggregate market value |
组播数据传送专线 | multicast datafeed |
组合分析仪【期权】 | Portfolio Analyser【options】 |
「组合股」 | Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) |
组合盘/综合盘 | combination order; combo order; composite order |
组织章程大纲;组织大纲 | memorandum of association |
《组织章程大纲及章程细则》 | Memorandum and Articles of Association |
组织架构检讨指导委员会 | Steering Committee on Organisational Review |
组织章程 | constitution |
组织章程细则;章程细则 | articles of association |
最初发起人 | ultimate originator |
最大差价限额 | maximum spread |
最低豁免规定 | de minimus waiver provision |
最低价格变动 | minimum price fluctuation; tick (size) |
最低交易数额 | minimum transaction size |
最低上落价位 | minimum price fluctuation; tick (size); minimum spread |
最短回复开价时间 | minimum response time |
最后成交价 | last trade price; last traded price; last recorded price |
最后贷款人 | lender of last resort |
最后复核聆讯 | final review hearing |
最后交易日 | Last Trading Day |
最后结算表 | Final Clearing Statement |
最后结算价;最终结算价 | Final Settlement Price |
最后结算价 | Final Settlement Value |
最后结算日 | Final Settlement Day |
最后完成日期 | longstop date |
最后行使日 | last exercise day |
最后一轮交收处理程序 | Final Settlement Run |
最佳成交价 | best execution price |
最佳价格 | best price |
最佳价格盘 | at-best order |
最佳企业管治资料披露大奖 | Best Corporate Governance Disclosure Awards |
《最佳应用守则》 | Code of Best Practice |
最少开价数量 | minimum quote quantity |
最终接收使用体【资讯供应商】 | End User Receptor 【information vendors】 |
最终实益持有人 | ultimate beneficial holder |
最终受益人 | ultimate beneficiary |
最终用户/使用者 | end user |
最终用户授权 | End-user Licence |
做价 | kiting |
做空* | short selling / short sale |
做市商* | market maker |
作价买卖 | market making |
作实买卖价 | firm quote |
坐盘 | proprietary trading |
24 个价位规则 | 24-spread rule |
alpha 系数 | alpha coefficient |
BRICS 交易所联盟 | BRICS Exchanges Alliance |
CCASS 网上股权披露服务 | Online CCASS Shareholding Disclosure Service |
CFA 协会 | CFA Institute |
CFETS 人民币汇率指数 | CFETS RMB exchange rate index |
delta 零值 | delta neutral |
delta 式对冲 | delta hedge |
ELI 计算机 | ELI Calculator |
《GEM 上市规则》(《香港联合交易所有限公司 GEM 证券上市规则》) | GEM Listing Rules(Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the GEM of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited) |
GEM 上市委员会 | GEM Listing Committee |
《GEM 投资者指南》 | GEM Investor Guide |
H 股指数期货 | H-shares Index Futures |
H 股指数期权 | H-shares Index Options |
HKATS 错价交易复核小组 | HKATS Error Trade Review Panel |
HKATS 电子交易系统 | Hong Kong Futures Automated Trading System |
MSCI 中国外资自由投资指数 | MSCI China Free Index |
OMnet 应用程式界面 | OMnet Application Programming Interface (OAPI) |
SDR 计价债券 | SDR Bond (Mulan Bond) |
SMARTS 衍生产品监察系统 | SMARTS Derivatives Surveillance Systems |
T + 2 交收制度 | T + 2 settlement system |
T + 2 日完成款项交收 | T + 2 Finality |
TOPIC 系统【英国】 | Teletext Output of Price Information by Computer (TOPIC)【UK】 |
阿格斯/麦氏煤炭价格指数报告 | Argus/McCloskey's Coal Price Index Report |
按毛额计算的客户综合户口 | gross client omnibus account (GROSA) |
按星期交割日 | weekly prompt dates |
按月交割日 | monthly prompt dates |
钯;钯金 | palladium |
白银 | silver |
半加工铝制品 | semi-fabricated aluminium |
半制成品 | semis |
北美特种铝合金合约 | North American Special Aluminium Alloy Contract (NASAAC) |
焙烧钼精矿 | roasted molybdenum concentrate (RMC) |
本地伦敦白银 | Loco London Silver |
本地伦敦黄金 | Loco London Gold |
变现浮动保证金 | Realised Variation Margin (RVM) |
铂金 | platinum |
不锈钢 | stainless steel |
采矿 | mining |
仓单 | warrant |
仓库 | warehouse |
仓库仓单 | warehouse receipt |
仓库代理人 | warehouse agent |
仓库核准使用费 | warehouse listing fee |
仓盘转移工具 | position transfer tool |
场内电话经纪助理 | telephone clerk |
场内交易衍生产品 | exchange traded derivatives (ETD) |
场内经纪助理 | clerk |
场外的办公室电话市场 | inter-office telephone market |
出仓率 | load out rate |
出货率 | delivery out rate |
次日交割 | cash today |
次要金属;小金属 | minor metal |
存货分销商 | stockist |
大宗商品期货合约 | bulk commodities futures contract |
单边平仓 | lifting a leg |
抵销保值;抵销套期保值;套期平仓 | offset hedge |
第二轮特定商品交易【第一节】 | second Ring【First session】 |
第三轮特定商品交易【第二节】 | third Ring【Second session】 |
第四轮商品交易(混合交易)【第二节】 | fourth Ring (kerb)【Second session】 |
第一轮特定商品交易【第一节】 | first Ring【First session】 |
递交港;发货港 | delivery port |
电话交易 | telephone trading; telephone (inter-office market) |
电解铜 | copper cathode |
调仓 | switch |
调查定价 | survey pricing |
调期 | carry |
地区「全包」价格 | regional “all-in” price |
锭;铸块 | ingot |
动量策略 | momentum strategies |
短期调期交易 | short-dated carries |
对冲溢价 | premium hedging |
发单过程 | warranting process |
发货港;递交港 | delivery port |
放弃;弃权 | abandon |
非正式牌价 | unofficial price |
废钢 | steel scrap |
风险值;蒙受风险的价值 | value-at-risk (VaR) |
复合金属 | composite metal |
钢坯 | billet / steel billet |
隔日调期 | TOM/NEXT carry trade |
隔月移仓 | monthly roll trade |
公开喊价 | open outcry |
公开喊价圈 | Ring |
公平下单费 | fair booking fee |
钴 | cobalt |
硅 | silicon |
滚动日交割机制 | rolling prompt date mechanism |
核准采样及检测商 | Listed Sampler and Assayer (LSA) |
核准仓库 | approved warehouse; listed warehouse |
核准品牌 | listed brand |
黑色金属;铁类金属 | ferrous metal |
混合交易;综合交易 | Kerb trading |
基本价格 | basis price |
基本金属;基础金属 | base metal |
基差风险 | basis risk |
加工厂 | converter |
加工冶炼商 | custom smelter |
价格阻力位 | resistance level |
检测;检验分析 | assaying |
交割 | delivery |
交割等级 | deliverable grade |
交割地点 | delivery point |
交割日;交割日期;交收日期 | prompt date |
交割日前滚/转动 | rolling prompt date |
焦煤 | coking coal |
交收日期;交割日;交割日期 | prompt date |
校验范围 | scanning range |
交易回合 | round turn |
交易平均价期权 | Traded Average Price Option (TAPO) |
交易圈;交易场地;公开喊价圈 | Ring |
交易圈交易商;交易场地交易商 | Ring dealer |
交易所持仓量 | exchange open interest |
交易所合约 | exchange contract |
交易所用户费 | Exchange User Fee |
交易压缩费 | charges for trade compression |
交易压缩服务 | trade-compression service |
交易资料储存库汇报服务 | trade repository reporting service |
结算 | settle |
金属半制成品加工商 | semi-fabricator |
金属加工商 | fabricator |
金融机构场外下单费 | financial OTC booking fee |
精炼 | refinery |
开票保证金 | invoice deposit |
利润系数 | profit factor |
炼铜商 | copper converter |
铝 | aluminium |
铝棒 | aluminum rod |
铝锭 | aluminum billet |
铝合金 | aluminium alloy |
铝加工厂 | aluminium converter |
铝卷 | aluminium coil |
流通量路线图 | Liquidity Roadmap |
轮候队伍租金上限 | queue-based rent capping |
伦敦代理 | London agent |
伦敦黄金市场定盘有限公司 | The London Gold Market Fixing Ltd |
伦敦金属交易所 | London Metal Exchange (LME) |
伦敦金银市场协会 | The London Bullion Market Association |
伦敦铝期货小型合约 | London Aluminium Mini Futures |
伦敦镍期货小型合约 | London Nickel Mini Futures |
伦敦锡期货小型合约 | London Tin Mini Futures |
伦敦锌期货小型合约 | London Zinc Mini Futures |
伦敦铅期货小型合约 | London Lead Mini Futures |
伦敦铜期货小型合约 | London Copper Mini Futures |
伦港通 | London-Hong Kong Connect |
螺纹钢* | steel rebar |
卖出套期保值 | short hedge |
每日仓位报告系统 | daily position reporting system (DPRS) |
每日交割的结构 | daily (prompt) date structure |
每月平均结算价格 | monthly average settlement price (MASP) |
镁 | magnesium |
锰 | manganese |
钼 | molybdenum |
镍 | nickel |
屏幕交易 | screen trading |
期货佣金商 | Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) |
期货转现货 | exchange for physical (EFP) |
期货转现货组合 | EFP spread |
弃权;放弃 | abandon |
铅 | lead |
前滚 | roll |
清算 | clearing |
清算所 | clearing house |
青铜 | bronze |
热轧卷板 | hot rolled coil |
圈内交易会员 | Ring Dealing Member |
软性商品 | soft commodities |
入库及出库量挂钩的提存规则 | linked load-in load-out (LILO) rule |
商品基金经理 | Commodity Pool Operator (CPO) |
商品交易顾问 | Commodity Trade Adviser (CTA) |
生产商套期保值 | producer’s hedge |
实物商品市场;终端市场 | terminal market |
市场交易仓位 | market position |
双重身份交易 | dual capacity trading |
锁价保值 | price-fix hedge / price-fixing hedge |
套利交易 | arbitrage |
套期保值 | hedging |
套期保值者 | hedger |
套期平仓;抵消保值;抵消套期保值 | offset hedge |
特种钢条 | special bar / special steel bar |
提取、存放机制;提存制度 | load-in load-out mechanism |
铁矿;铁矿石 | iron ore |
铁类金属;黑色金属 | ferrous metal |
铁类金属合约 | ferrous contract |
铜 | copper |
铜矿厂 | copper miner |
委托人直接交易市场架构 | principal to principal market structure |
钨 | tungsten |
锡 | tin |
锡镴 | pewter |
下单费 | booking fee |
现货 | actuals |
现货价格 | cash price |
现货实物价格 | spot physical price |
「限制溢利」模式 | “profit-constrained” model |
小金属;次要金属 | minor metal |
锌 | zinc |
宣告 | declaration |
宣告日 | declaration date |
压缩设施 | compression facility |
压铸合金 | die-casting alloy |
亚洲基准定价机制 | Asian Benchmark pricing |
亚洲区服务台 | Asian Helpdesk |
冶炼 | smelting |
冶炼厂;冶炼商 | smelter |
移仓 | transfer; carry |
溢价合约 | premium contract |
阴极片;阴极 | cathode |
引申定价 | implied pricing |
用户委员会 | user committee |
有色金属 | non-ferrous metal |
有效仓单 | live warrant |
有效交割地点 | good delivery point |
原铝 | primary aluminium |
再生金属 | secondary metal |
涨跌停板 | limit up/down |
折现或然浮动保证金 | Discounted Contingent Variation Margin (DCVM) |
正式价格;正式牌价 | official price |
终端市场;实物商品市场 | terminal market |
终止费 | break fee |
终止权 | termination right |
综合交易;混合交易 | kerb trading |
铸块;锭 | ingot |
注册仓库 | registered warehouse |
注册中介经纪 | registered intermediary broker (RIB) |
注销仓单 | cancelled warrant |
装运地卡车交货 | free-on-truck (FOT) |
转让书 | assignment |
准交易会员 | Associate Trade Member |
准交易清算会员 | Associate Trade Clearing Member |
准经纪会员 | Associate Broker Member |
准经纪清算会员 | Associate Broker Clearing Member |
最后收盘价 | evening evaluations |
作价期 | quotational period |
API 8 动力煤期货合约 | API 8 Thermal Coal Futures |
LME 报价委员会 | LME Quotations Committee |
LME 仓单 | LME warrant |
LME 均价掉期 | LMEswaps |
LME 废钢 | LME Steel Scrap |
LME 贵金属 | LMEprecious |
LME 铝溢价 | LME Aluminium Premium |
LME 螺纹钢 | LME Steel Rebar |
LME 小型期货合约 | LMEminis |
LME 用户委员会 | LME User Committee |
LME 指数 | London Metal Exchange Index (LMEX) |